
torsdag 23 januari 2014

Character tracer

This week we meet Benny Spinks, the famous boy everybody’s heard of and whom everyone wants to be like. On page 87 we can read that Bill doesn’t really like Benny that much. They were the same age but Benny made thousands of punds just by saying a sentence, and he describes Benny as a very spoiled teenager (for example, Bill says: he probably even had his own performing dolphin, for all I knew) and you get the expression of Benny being a very cocky person. But then, when Benny and Bill finally meet, you can tell that Benny seems like a nice person, and he’s very down to earth. On page 98, for example, he says ”I look just like you”, and as Bill said himself, he didn’t say it the other way (”you look just like me”). He didn’t put himself up as the standard which others had to be compared too. Also, on page 98 and 99, you could tell Benny was really confused about seeing Bill, but he still tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood. I think Benny seems like a very nice person and Benny and Bill can probably become great friends. 

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