
onsdag 26 september 2012

Lockie's Diary

Dear Diary! 
This day has been the worst day of my 13 year old life. I feel completely stupid and I also feel like I am the worst son, friend, boyfriend and the worst person in the world. I have just been so weird all day and forgotten everything I was supposed to do. First, I was going to help mom put up a sign. I promised her I was going to do it later, but then I forgot and mum had to put up the sign by herself, and you all know what happens when mum is going up on a chair: she falls! That's exactly what happened. And then me and Egg were going to have this meeting this evening, about us trying to save the river, and before the meeting, I was going to go shopping with Egg because he was going to fix the dinner for his parents anniversary, and I forgot it all. The meeting AND the shopping! Can you believe it? And it was all because I was thinking so hard about Dot. And when I hung out with her, I totally forgot about the time, so I missed the shopping I was going to help Egg out with, and I also missed the meeting! The whole thing I had set up. And i was also the one who was going to write the speech, so then Egg had to take care of the meeting, even without a speech. Later on, Egg told me there were only two people showing up to the meeting, and I feel like such a loser! I totally betrayed my friend. This day was horrible. Really, really horrible. I hope tomorrow will turn out a bit better at least. 

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