
fredag 25 november 2011

Ghost story 2

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Aron. 
Aron backwards is spelled Nora, and from his friends, Aron had herd that a long, long time ago, there was a princess called Nora. Nora named her son Aron, just because it was Nora backwards. But one day, Noras son Aron took suicide, and Nora was so brokenhearted, so she decided to make a curse on the name Aron, and every single boy who had that name would die a painful dead. 
-Well, Aron said, Nora died for a thousands of years ago.
-Well yes, she did, Arons friend Thomas answered, but her spirit is still here. She was a witch, Aron! 
That evening, Aron told his mom about the princess Nora, who also was a witch.
-That’s just nonsense Aron, no princess called Nora has ever existed, his mother told him and smiled.
But after that day, some strange thing started to happen around Aron. 
Like one day when he was home alone, he thought that he could do his homework in history, so when he was going to open the book up, the history book swung open by itself, before Aron had touched it. 
He looked down on the page, and there, on the page, a story was written down. A story about a princess and her family. The princess name was Nora. 
Aron blinked. Was the name of the princess really Nora? He looked back on the page, but saw the exactly same thing. He continued reading the story.
...Nora and her family were a very, very happy family, and no one could blame them. They were rich, had two cilderens, a boy called Aron, and his little sister Mia. Nora had a great husband, and, of course, lots of friends.  
But one day, when the whole family were sitting in the dining room and waiting to be served the breakfast, Aron wasn’t there. Nora and her husband told the whole village to look after Aron, but no one found him. 
Next day, after a very restless night, one of Noras family friend walked on Aron while he was taking suicide. Noras family would never find their peace again and...
Aron stopped reading, this was to scary. 
But just like that, he hears the front door open and his mom voice says:
-Aron, i’m home!
-Mum! Aron shouted out relieved.
Aron ran to his mum, and just when he was about to jump in her leap, he stops.
That wasn’t his mum, even though her voice sounded just like it. 
But he recognized the women who stood in front of him. 
-Who are you?, Aron whispered.
-Aron darling, don’t you know who I am? The women smiled. I’m princess Nora, and i had a son called Aron too!
Aron was terrified, and just when he was about to run away, Nora took his hand and held him beside her. 
-And your name is Aron too. Her voice didn’t sound like his mother anymore. It was an ice cold voice that made his nerves freeze.
-And I don’t like it, she concluded. 
She raised her hand up in the air, and just when it comed back towards Aron, he woke up. It had only been a dream. 
But the following days, Aron didn’t show up in the school, and no one answered the calls from the school. 
The house was empty. 

3 kommentarer:

  1. It was very good written and interesting.

  2. a very scary story!! , well written!! (:

  3. An interesting and scary story. Good word knowledge and language.

    You find more comments in Unikum.
